Monthly Newsletters trumpet

There's gonna be a revival in the land..., from the North, South, East, Middle East and West, there's gonna be a MIGHTY revival in the land!

Jesus sayes to His disciples:
The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into the harvest. Matthew 9:37-38

Sermons from the Monthly Newsletters of 2024
Message from January 2024
Remove not the ancient landmark
Message from March 2024
Take your city through prayer
Message from May 2024
The battle with busy
Message from July 2024
Jesus loved Martha, Mary and Lazarus
Message from September 2024
You'll never walk alone
Sermons from the Monthly Newsletters of 2023

Message from January 2023
A Truly Apostolic Perspective Will Carry the Gospel Beyond Borders
Message from March 2023
Unity - is there not a cause?
Message from May 2023
Who shall separate me from His Love?
Message from July 2023
True freedom is without any chains!
Message from September 2023
God's plan for double and more
Message from November 2023
The promise is Yours
Sermons from the Monthly Newsletters of 2022

Message from January 2022
The Freedom of Truth
Message from March 2022
RUTH 25/25 - Ruth in the Jewish Tradition
Message from May 2022
The power of truth
Message from July 2022
Beyond borders
Message from September 2022
Beyond here
Message from November 2022
Power over all
Sermons from the Monthly Newsletters of 2021

Message from January 2021
RUTH - Part 21/25 - Job done (To be continued)
Message from March 2021
RUTH 22/25 - The reward of patience: Blessings upon blessings (To be continued)
Message from May 2021
The Holy Ghost - Our Witness
Message from July 2021
“VISION:”A word that requires pursuit...
Message from September 2021
The power of truth
Message from November 2021
Ruth 24/25 – A glourios ending for Naomi (To be continued)
Sermons from the Monthly Newsletters of 2020

Message from January 2020
RUTH - Part 9/25 - Key Principles For A New Beginning (To be continued)
Message from March 2020
RUTH - Part 11/25 - I know everything about you (To be continued)
Message from May 2020
RUTH - Part 13/25 - What a day! (To be continued)
Message from July 2020
RUTH Part 15/25 - Another Crazy Step (To be continued)
Message from September 2020
RUTH - Part 17/25 - Love obeys to righteousness (To be continued)
Message from November 2020
RUTH - Part 19/25 - Sacrificial love (To be continued)
Sermons from the Monthly Newsletters of 2019

Message from January 2019
All the best for the new year!
Message from March 2019
RUTH- Introduction - She was called Ruth (To be continued)
Message from May 2019
RUTH - Part 2/25 - The Pressure Of The Drought (To be continued)
Message from July 2019
Sowing into vision
Message from September 2019
RUTH - Part 5/25 - Nothing Will Stop Me (To be continued)
Message from November 2019
RUTH - Part 7/25 - Back home... at last (To be continued)
Sermons from the Monthly Newsletters of 2018

Message from January 2018
Turning points
Message from March 2018
Count your blessings
Message from May 2018
Overcoming Failure
Message from July 2018
LET’S EAT AND DIE / Part 1 – Two sticks for the last meal
Message from September 2018
United with purpose
Message from November 2018
When the rain won’t stop
Sermons from the Monthly Newsletters of 2017

Message from January 2017
The sound of footsteps
Message from March 2017
The test of pressure (1)
Message from May 2017
The test of pressure (3)
Message from July 2017
You are the light of the world
Message from September 2017
Strong pillars = strong families
Message from November 2017
A virtuous man called Joseph - Part 2
Short Sermons from the Monthly Newsletters of 2016

Message from January 2016
What is man?
Message from March 2016
Prisoner, set free and sentenced to death
Message from May 2016
Samuel, the man who made the difference - Part 2 Breakthrough in excellence
Message from July 2016
This evil place
Message from September 2016
You can still repent today
Message from November 2016
A Child and a Sword - Part 2
The honor of overcoming the enemy

Short Sermons from the Monthly Newsletters of 2015

Message from January 2015
Scattered in Trial – Part 1
Message from March 2015
The cross
Message from May 2015
Speak another language
Message from July 2015
The old ways
Message from September 2015
A lonely life
Message from November 2015
Looking for the King Part 1
Short Sermons from the Monthly Newsletters of 2014

Message from January 2014
What really matters
Message from March 2014
Stop believing lies
Message from May 2014
Become a GREAT leader
Message from July 2014
Seek God's approval
Message from September 2014
God's promises
Message from November 2014
Bless the Lord at all times
Short Sermons from the Monthly Newsletters of 2013

Message from January 2013
Don't Let Sin Overcome You!
Message from March 2013
Let us lay aside everything that hinders us
Message from May 2013
Repentance: What is it?
Message from July 2013
God's Plan for Mankind
Message from September 2013
When Jesus shall reign
Message from November 2013
Are you a faithful servant?
Short Sermons from the Monthly Newsletters of 2012

Message from January 2012
The Holy Ghost within us
Message from March 2012
In need of revival
Message from May 2012
Pursuing to become Christlike
Message from July 2012
No other God
Message from September 2012
Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you became a believer?
Message from November 2012
Be a messenger of Christ
Short Sermons from the Monthly Newsletters of 2011

Message from January 2011
The wrath of God
Message from March 2011
Message from May 2011
Joshua's farewell speech
Message from July 2011
Message from September 2011
More than conquerers in Jesus Christ
Message from November 2011
Is the devil real?
Short Sermons from the Monthly Newsletters of 2010

Message from January 2010
God is not joking 
Message from March 2010
The limitations of intelligence and the place...
Message from May 2010
A short Biblestudy - 6 Steps to Salvation
Message from July 2010
The evidence of the Holy Ghost (Part 1)
Message from September 2010
The evidence of the Holy Ghost (Part 3)
Message from November 2010
Apostolic keys for church growth 
Short Sermons from the Monthly Newsletters of 2009

Message from January 2009
When God Changes His Mind
Message from March 2009
This may shock you!!!
Message from May 2009
You are only Pentecostal if you possess Pentecost
Message from July 2009
The door is still open
Message from September 2009
Nothing is too difficult for Him
Message from November 2009
Be yourself!
Short Sermons from the Monthly Newsletters of 2008

Message from January 2008
God is in the House
Message from March 2008
Your planning for the future
Message from May 2008
Money is a new form of slavery
Message from July 2008
The way of life
Message from September 2008
Knowing Jesus and living for Him
Message from November 2008
In no other name
Short Sermons from the Monthly Newsletters of 2007

Message from January 2007
Can a man forgive sin?
Message from March 2007
Personal Action Plan for Believers
Message from May 2007
No one can stop God’s work!
Message from July 2007
Built on the Rock
Message from September 2007
The living dead
Message from November 2007
Preach the Gospel at all times. Where necessary...
Short Sermons from the Monthly Newsletters of 2006

Message from January 2006
Eternity is too long to be wrong
Message from March 2006
Follow me!
Message from May 2006
Will man destroy himself?
Message from July 2006
The God Of Action says; "I Will..."
Message from September 2006
Fruit of the Spirit
Message from November 2006
What is your response to the Gospel?
Short Sermons from the Monthly Newsletters of 2005

Message from July 2005
The open window
Message from September 2005
Do not forget this law!
Message from November 2005
Destination unknown

jumping fish

jumping fishjumping fish


jumping fish

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